
C++ library to locally store, update and index the National Vulnerabilities Database

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nvd-import is a command line utility written in C++ using libmongoc, libbson , mongo C++ driver (mongocxx driver) and a JSON parser, to store, index and update in a MongoDB database the National Vulnerabilities Database locally.


The software depends on libmongoc, libbson and mongo-cxx-driver. These dependencies will be automatically installed executing the installation script, located under the script directory:

cd script

If you need to customize the install script, you can easly edit it.


You can compile the project and install the library doing this:

cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


Now that you have all the dependencies installed, you can compile the test sources typing the following commands. The library uses some facilities of C++14 standard, so be sure your compiler supports it.

cd script

The configuration file

You can use the configuration file, config.json, to change the database and the collection name to use. Plus, you can add more mongodb indexes to speed up the query. If you want to know which fields you can index, take a look at the files content listed here:

Importing the national vulnerability database

In oreder to create a database with the national vulnerabilities, you have to download the JSON files from You will find a JSON file for every year until now, plus two files which contains the modified and recent vulerabilities, that you can use to sync your local database with the new discovered vulnerabilities. You can use the download script placed under the script directory. It will download every JSON feed on the page in the feed directory.

# Download all the JSON files
cd nvd-import/script

I recommend you to separate the modified and recent JSON feed, from the yearly feed files. You can place these files wherever you want, for example:

# Store yearly JSON feed here.
cd nvd-import
mkdir -p ./feeds/insert

# Store modified and recent files here.
mkdir -p ./feeds/update

Then you can start to import those files using the script

cd script
./ path_to_yearly_json_feed

Wait until the all the files are processed. Then, you can process the recent and modified files:

cd script
./ path_to_recent_and_modified_files

Done! :)